when i was alittle girl
i wish i were a star
can touch the moon
and hold the sky
could run on the clouds
and see the top of earth
can hold the drops of rain
and smeel the fairly breez
i really wish i were a star
to hug my deams and tryin to be seen
as agood girl can porotect what does she feel
wish i could touch the highly hills
and be near of such great
wanna do many things
just to be huge like mountains
i wish i were a star
or a butterfly
so i can fly all over the world
and stand on this rose
and the others are alloweded
wish be free and no one say you wont be
i get sick of this world
and wanna be without it for a moment
without the obstacles that standing near
and tell me u'll stop here
just as u were
i wish i were'nt here
I'm very glade to be in my very first visit to your respected bloge the first commenter.
What a beautiful picture you drew and what a knife you slied it by! I thought that by your wish to be a stare that you already passionate and dreamy. I even began to fly with your words, till the rock of despair hit my head. I had a pump and you are the reason! :)
Thank you for your positive feelings which you proved to yourself with that you still got the hope ... but under cover!
All the best
that's very strange!! seriously
U know?? I wrote a post entitled "Wish I were a butterfly" last Nov. or December I don't remember exactly... but what I really remember is that it was much similar 2 what u said :)
U r so much like me!! :)))
It's my pleasure for sure.
Ur words r very decent& dreamy. I liked it&... 3esht m3aha gamed :)
I really like ur blog a lot, and like ur words in this post.
I also wished2 b in the sky, but not a star, wanted to sleep on a cotton-like cloud :) and feel its softness.
Best regards
Beside some grammar mistakes; the topic is wonderful : It's sincere, full of emotions and painting a lovely picture.
Hope u become a "star" in the blogging world and in the whole Islamic world.
My regards
whispers just for the night
thanks so much about ur beautiful words ..oopse and cause u r the first commenter here:)
and i guess we all wish be like a star and fly but we all miss the way aren't we ...
my regards
wish i were butterfly
ohh my dear may be we all look a like in this dream we all wanna fly as i told whispers ,
but u know when i was writting these words i just remebered u
and got a feeling that u between all these people u'll feel it deeply cause i remembered ur name
i waish i were a butterfly:)
thanks dear
thanks for ur little and lovely words
and let me know my mistakes so it will be shame on me
iam an english instructor
my regards
it`s very very nice
when i was alittle girl
i wish i were a star
can touch the moon
and hold the sky
My same dream
thank`s F U
see U soon
dear rania
this is a very beautiful bost
but it's end i can't beleive it
u cann't be star untill u can't understand this life and this worled and live in it
how can us hope the paradise if we cann't stand our life
live with out the world
Melt in the beautiful remnants of the world
u mustn't love the humanity or the world in this time with its
Hatred, war, violence and cruelty
Love that picture
Where green farms
Colored flowers and butterflies
Places of beauty
That beauty hidden spaces between downtown
This asset in the hands of the seller Jasmine
Above the tree instil
Configured and bear fruit, which have been reaping
Memories of our minds mature net
Distant sky
Excitement and our grief
Imagine, in that picture
There remain where Star
Or butterfly
Through a life of freedom
this bost wonders me really
with my best wishes
muhamed ali
محمد علي
to cross all the limits and borders is a great dream
hard to achieve maybe but sure not impossible
be the star of your life and build your own world the way you want it to be
the star of the field you are in...a mother or a hard working person
i salut you for these nice words
i hope that one day you can make it true
تمر حنه
thanks darling for ur comment
really iam happy cause u like it
محمد على
thanks mohammed for ur special lines with very beautiful words
but arent u agree with me that we have to see things in its real for a moment
i love imagination and i like just to dream and wish to be a star
but for a moment i dona like these dreams caputered my self i have to be more realstic
cause we live already here
in this as u decribed world full of ahtred and voliance
thanks u so much my friend
my hottest regards
bent masraya
i liked so ur opint of view and really i trying to do it
thanks dear
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