Sunday, March 2, 2008

for kids of palestine

My heart hurts me
When i see these little kids are bleeding
My heart scream at me
And say for how long u'll just seeing
My heart asking me
What are u going to do to stop that sceens
He asked me for how long
They will be like dead sheeps
Ohhhhh, my poor kids
Sorry for not helping u
Or trying to save u
For just watch u and couldn't hug u
But i cant help it
Its out of my hand
It just goes aganist of my wil
All i can do
It just weep and cry
And my heart burning like a butterfly
Sorry my beloved


Wael said...

" All i can do
It just weep and cry
And my heart burning like a butterfly
Sorry my beloved
Sorry "


سنووايت said...

we all are sorry
that's all what we can do
and nothing more

Wish I were a Butterfly ... said...

It hurts to see those children daily killed
and it hurts to see innocence raped

It more& more hurts when u find urself unable to do anything to save those people

Just pray for them... that's all we can do

khobayb said...

We can share (NOT) in killing them by buying American & Israeli goods.

We can share in their feeding, medication or Jihad by giving money.

We can also ask The One who can save them : Allah.

We can invite every single person we know to do that.

Sympathy is good, but not enough !


We have to be SOMEONE in order to be able to save the coming kids from getting killed

Rania Lelah said...

thanks for ur feelings
sure i understand it
without utter a word

snow white

i wish if we can do
more than that

thanks dear

Rania Lelah said...

wish i were a butterfly

we already pray to Allah the most gracious the most merciful
to save them and make them live in peace

my regards

Rania Lelah said...


agree with every word u just said
but do u think this will be really enough!!!!
what about the arab governements and whole this arab community silence
u know some thing my friend we really look like sharing in killing these people

and iam from here inviting all others to be "people" with all the meaning of this word
to take care of our brothers there in palestine
by doing any thing just as u said
may be blood donate
saving money
bying goods
helping them to survive

my regards to ur precious words
thanks my friend

حزيــــــــــــــــــن said...

we will not be mercier than allah about them

Ahmed Ragab said...

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Ahmed Ragab said...

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Ahmed Ragab said...

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Ahmed Ragab said...

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